Unlock the power of precise targeting with our advanced settings feature. Whether you’re entering or editing a Link, our platform empowers you to tailor your outreach with geotargeting, browser targeting, and system targeting options.
When entering or editing a Link, access advanced settings to select geotargeting, browser targeting, or system targeting.
To choose geotargeting, click on “only the countries targeted below” and include or exclude countries from the dropdown list. You can remove entries by clicking the cross icon next to them. Use “EU countries” to add all EU countries automatically.
For browser targeting, click on “only the browsers targeted below” and include or exclude browsers from the dropdown menu.
To select system targeting, click on “only the systems targeted below” and include or exclude systems from the dropdown menu.
This feature enables precise targeting, such as reaching all iPhone users in the USA using the Safari browser.
Ready to elevate your marketing strategy? Dive into our advanced settings now and start reaching your desired audience with pinpoint accuracy. Click here to access advanced targeting and maximise the impact of your campaigns.